Submit Required Documents– School Secretary Melissa Mejorado
SBS requires the following documents to be received in order for the application to be considered as complete: [email protected]
- Student’s original birth certificate (county record only, not hospital record)
- Original baptismal certificate
- Original first communion and confirmation certificates (if applicable)
- Copy of child’s most recent report card
- Original copy of immunization and health records. No child will be considered for admission until this is complete and in accordance with state law.
- Recommendation letter mailed from current school (not applicable for children entering transitional kindergarten). A blank copy of our principal’s recommendation letter is included in our Application for Admission (Step 4).
Schedule and Interview/Testing
- Testing for incoming students (kindergarten through eighth grade) will be by appointment only. A non-refundable $150.00 testing fee will be assessed. The school office can be reached at (323) 721-3348.
- You will be contacted to schedule an interview. This will give you a chance to visit the school and give us an opportunity to meet you and your family.
* Please complete an application for each individual child being enrolled.